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 by talking with each other

CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility


Sustainable management, corporate citizenship, corporate responsibility, long-term management, etc. are some of the many new terms and definitions that describe corporate activities targeted towards social, economic and ecologic angles.


The variety and evolution of these definitions reflects social change and the continuous engagement, development and adjustment of corporate social responsibility to current circumstances and knowledge.


Companies typically have seven spheres of activity (leadership, work space, market, environment, surroundings, communication, and society), which are associated with sustainable business practices.


Corporate social responsibility is neither a “top-down situation“ nor a “one-man-show“, but rather characterizes an attitude that should be exercised by the management and serves as interpretation and identification  for the entire team. Your business becomes a pro-active creator of society.


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world!”

Mahatma Gandhi


Some of these strategies are already being implemented in companies, while some processes are still in development and progress.


Take the time to identify the seven spheres of sustainable activity within your business and take the necessary steps to position your short and long-term decisions accordingly.


I can introduce you to these concepts and can support you during implementation!


Ghelengasse 34/3/30

1130 Vienna, Austria

T: +43 . (0)664 125 128 7

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